The Life List of
Amy Amornpongpist
get an english accent speak 5 languages go skydiving again but this time do cool flips and not waste 30 seconds being crawled up into a little ball take a picture with a group of asians doing the peace sign kiss under the mistletoe live in europe for a year witness something historical that the world will never forget go on a back packing trip donate $1 million to charity (but a good one, not one of those BS ones) be in four states at once go through a month without ANY sort of stress graduate a good college be held at gunpoint (but not die, obviously) go cow tipping climb a mountain meet for lunch with one of my high school friends when we’re 90 lick my elbow touch my nose with my tongue become famous in a foreign country save someone’s life invent something and put a patent on it go to the moon!! be in a commercial be the voiceover for a cartoon character float in the dead sea raise one eyebrow do a split say i’m gonna kick ass this quarter and actually kick ass sail from one continent to another give the "free hugs" guy a hug buy a house on the beach buy a house in the italian alps run a marathon bungee jump off the great wall make one of the english guards with the tall hats laugh throw a party in a pent house apartment in nyc learn to cook from a professional chef bathe in a bath of chocolate jump into a public water fountain naked have lunch with Oprah hold enough balloons at once to float away get into a fist fight help an old lady cross the street make a girl go lesbian for me (kinda weird) have a family i love and not get divorced attend my 50th wedding anniversary eat so much in one hour that i throw up get pied in the face do a pie eating contest slap a guy across the face live my whole life without getting stung by a bee go a whole week without lying go a whole week only saying positive things back to people go back in time and meet ghandi go back in time and meet my mom’s parents drive a hovercraft wear an assortment of wigs for a year be stranded on an island for a month ride a camel through a whole desert take care of my mom when she grows old be able to look back at my life and smile