The Life List of

The Life List of

Nate Berman     



Live in 15 different countries. Play in a professional tournament Make more money than my dad. Skydive Drive a racecar for a day. Fly a helicopter and plane. (Can’t crash) Go to Mardi gras. Own the Stanley Cup for a year. Play and beat Tiger Woods at his own game. Play on the PGA Tour for at least 1 year. Live in Japan or Europe for 1 year. Become a billionaire Own 3 different cars that are over $100,000 Get a golf scholarship to a Division 1 school. Go on an African safari. Wrestle an Alligator and not die. Climb MT. Everest Have Big Black as a body guard. Marry a super model Win the Masters Beat my Dad at golf. Go back to Ireland and Israel. Apologize to everyone I have lied to. Go to the World Cup. Win the Lotto. Street Race with a Ferrari Parachute off the Empire State Building Speak Chinese Speak Japanese Speak Spanish Speak Hebrew Help save the world Donate over 50,000 dollars