The Life List of
Alyssa Canonico
To Graduate from Harrison High School | |
Go to college | |
Graduate from college with a Masters Degree in education | |
To teach history at Harrison High School | |
To get married | |
Have two children | |
Adopt a child | |
Travel to Europe (Italy, France and Greece) | |
Travel to Australia | |
Run a marathon | |
Play volleyball in college | |
Go to L.A. to see The Sidewalk of Stars | |
Swim in every ocean | |
See all of The Seven Wonders of the World | |
Get over my fear of birds | |
Buy a home in Harrison | |
Eventually be a part of the United States Army | |
Learn a lot of history | |
Read all of Shakespeare’s pieces of literature | |
Read the whole Bible | |
Meet Jerry Seinfeld | |
Volunteer at a hospital | |
See as many Broadway plays as possible | |
Contribute money to help cancer | |
Work at a soup kitchens for the homeless | |
Learn to cook well | |
Take dance classes | |
Learn to play the piano | |
Be able to do pull ups | |
Buy a boat | |
Write a book | |
Speak fluent Spanish | |
Become a good photographer | |
Join the Red Cross for a year | |
Have grandchildren | |
Coach a team | |
Go to the mall of America | |
Give my hair to Locks of Love | |
Visit every state in America | |
Watch the top one hundred must see movies | |
Be in a movie | |
Actually play a football game | |
Get kicked out of my lacrosse game | |
Design my own clothes | |
Own a dance club | |
Stay in touch with all my friends from high school after graduation | |
Meet Josh Hartnett | |
Do as many things on my life list as I can! | |