The Life List of
Christopher Dellicarpini
1.) party with Andrew W.K 2.) Own over 100 pairs of sneakers 3.) Go to Amsterdam senior year and do really stupid stuff 4.) Goals in track: beat every school record in each of my events. 5.) Get into a good college 6.) Learn to play piano 8.) Eat 4 saltines in 60 seconds 9.) Have a 3-some with the Olson twins, on a plane. 10.) Go sky diving on a couch 11.) Go bungee jumping 12.) Get a tattoo 13.) Learn to draw well like Picasso 14.) Go back in time to see a show at Coney Island high 15.) Have neat handwriting 16.) shrooms 17.) Take a road trip all over United States. 18.) Smoke with Mr. Kaplan 19.) Do something with my life 20.) lick my elbow 21.) meet jay-z and nas 22.) weightlifting- clean 235 lbs Jerk 210 lbs Back squat 300lbs Bench 225 lbs 23.) Record a CD 24.) become a CHEERLEADER, then quit after camp. 25.) Get awesome 26.) Sleep with Angelina jolie 27.) Kaplan’s mom 28.) Take the 6 train all the way down. 29.) Drink with matt skiba 30.) Beat Kaplan in arm wrestling 31.) party with God 32.) party with jesus