The Life List of

The Life List of

Philip DiLemme


·        Receive Giants season tickets for Life.

·        Receive Yankees season tickets for life.

·        Meet Alex Rodriguez.

·        Meet Derek Jeter.

·        Travel to all 50 states of the United States.

·        Travel to every continent.

·        Go to every baseball stadium in the US.

·        Go to every football stadium in the US.

·        Go to every basketball stadium in the US.

·        Buy my own Yacht.

·        Swim with sharks.

·        Go in a submarine.

·        Get married and two kids, a boy and a girl. 

·        Buy a house in NY.

·        Make my first million dollars.

·        Graduate from the college that I like.

·        Buy a house in Miami.

·        Attend every Giants game of one season (including away games).

·        Buy a Bentley.

·        Go to a NBA all star game.

·        Go the NFL Pro Bowl.

·        Meet 50 Cent.

·        Meet Eminem.

·        Fly in a Helicopter.

·        Go to a NY Giants Super Bowl.

·        Not sleep for one whole day.

·        Eat McDonalds 5 days in a row.

·        Read every Harry Potter book.

·        Have dinner with Allen Iverson.

·        Play in the World Series of Poker.

·        Gamble in Las Vegas.

·        Go skiing.

·        Buy a dog.

·        Ride a Motorcycle.

·        Ride on a snowmobile.

·        Throw the first pitch at a Yankee Game.

·        Sit in the first row at the 76ers game.

·        Sit in first class while I fly.

·        Go camping with my friends.

·        Become a grandfather.

·        Go to a Yankee vs. Red Sox game at Fennway Park and sit on top of the green monster.

·        Go to the top of the Empire State Building.

·        Go into the White House and tour Washington D.C.

·        Go onto the field at Giants Stadium.

·        Go surfing in the ocean.