- Invent something useful
- Build a house
- Go scuba diving
- Parachute
- Sky dive
- Bungee jump
- Ride a dolphin
- Swim with sharks
- Get a tattoo
- Drive past nine
- Drive over 150mph
- Pierce my body
- Grow hair long
- Lick my elbow
- Go into space
- Beat Mr. Cole in a marathon
- Walk on a handstand
- Win a State Title for soccer in our school
- Play in the world cup for Italy
- Meet all the Italian soccer players
- Make more money than Bill Gates
- Own a penguin
- Fly a jet
- Beat Tiger Woods in golf
- Play Michael Jordon in a one on one game
- Bench press my weight
- Send my car on pimp my ride and have it tricked out with a lot of TV’s
- Learn how to play Texas Hold’em
- Own 5 houses all over the world
- Own a ballin car
- Have a house with a bowling alley and a big big pool
- Own a theme park in my backyard
- Become a VIP of a very exclusive club
- Have sex everywhere possible
- Get married to a hot model
- Start a family
- Have unlimited about of food in my house so I will never be hungry again
- Learn to surf
- Have a huge block party
- Attend the biggest college party of my life
- Climb all the stairs on the great wall
- Go to Las Vegas and attend every strip club
- Get married and divorced in one day
- Travel the world
- Visit all 50 states
- Go to college and maintain a 3.5 average