The Life List of

The Life List of

Jenna Gallace


Have an 85-87 overall average for HS Graduation

Get into Sacred Heart University

Make the Equestrian Team @ SHU

Major in Elementary Education & Minor in Psychology

Be an 3rd Grade teacher

Get a nose job by age 21

Buy an Audi S5 by age 27

Get proposed to in Italy (by my high school sweet heart) by age 29.

Get married by age 30 (to my high school sweetheart)

Have 2 kids (one boy and one girl)


Visit Brazil, Aruba & California

Have my own horse (another one)

Interior Decorate my whole house on my own

Start a diary to remember everything I ever did in my life

Get a tattoo on my 18th birthday on my rib cage (like Megan Fox)

Meet Megan Fox

Go to a fashion show in NYC

Drop $5,000 in one day shopping

Go to a Ne-yo or J.Holiday concert

Have a huge walk in closet when I get married (with 100+ pairs of shoes & a huge collection of jeans)

Own a Range Rover truck by age 32 (for the kids)

Go to EVERY sports games my kids have

Join the PTA for my kids  school

Be a young & good looking grandma