- Get into college
- Play football in college
- Go to a Super Bowl and World Series
- Play well in baseball this year
- Go to a Rangers game
- Go to a Knicks game
- Visit Texas Stadium and watch the Cowboys
- Go to every continent
- Buy a house
- Get married
- Have kids
- Get a nice car
- Pass the AP psychology test
- Go to California
- Buy a flat screen HD TV
- Buy PS3
- Shoot a gun
- Have a catch with pro football player
- Go to the football hall of fame
- Go to every football stadium
- Go to every baseball stadium
- Keep buying madden every year it comes out
- Put a flaming bag of crap on someone’s door step
- Get into a fight with someone famous
- Crash a wedding
- Go to the Atlantis Hotel
- Touch the Stanley Cup and a Super Bowl trophy
- Go sky diving
- Go bungee jumping
- Go scuba diving
- Encounter a penguin
- Go to the north pole
- See the current president
- Steal something very expensive
- Fly in a fighter jet
- Go to the playboy mansion
- Hook up with a playmate