The Life List of
Lesley Greenspan
Graduate High school Graduate college (preferably a four year Fashion school) Get a designing job for Herve Ledger right after college for 2 years Design for MY OWN clothing company Get married to Mark Caligiuri by the age of 27 Have 3 boys by the time I’m 37 Travel the world Own a brown stone in the city Own my own boat Have a 40 car garage to fill with the most luxurious cars Choreograph a music video for a famous artist Overcome my fear of sharks Scuba dive in Australia’s (SEAL ISLAND) Run a marathon in record time Go to Sierra Leone and give speeches against child soldiers’ I would love to be best friends with Kim Kardashian Have 2 Pitbulls,4 Shitzues, 1 French Bulldog, 1 Husky, and 3 Rottweiler’s Own a 130 yacht Go to the north pole and see Mr. Clause himself Own a tasti-delight franchise Create an exclusive wedding dress for the most incredible designer in the world Own my own magazine Have a separate house for all of my clothes Have a house in Paris overlooking the Eiffel tower Walk on hot coals Live to see my great grandchildren Have all of my designs in the best stores around the world Win the lottery Own a tanning salon Speak every language fluently ESPECIALLY JAPANESE so I know what their saying about me every time I get my nails done sleep an entire night without having to get up to go to the bathroom Find all the people who bullied me throughout my life and put them in place Create my own ice cream flavor Rollerblade in a COSTCO Have an island named after me Be interviewed on tv Ride a bobsled Go in a submarine Meet god Own a fast food restaurant, that is world famous for it’s pizza and burgers. Own my own private jet Take a spaceship to the moon Invent my own tanning bed without dangerous RAYS that don’t create cancer cells Create a pill to get rid of any kind of cancer |