The Life List of

The Life List of

Sarah Hand



Go white water rafting

Go skydiving

Swim with dolphins

Trace my routes

Fly in a hot air balloon

Conquer a fear

See a shooting star

Fly a plane

Climb a mountain

Visit the seven wonders of the world

Help a total stranger

Try Ziplining

Fall in love

Go to the airport, purchase a random plane ticket, then go

Become best friends with someone famous

Get accepted into a good college

Find a career that I love

Live in the moment

Stay up for 24 hours straight

Have kids

Send a message in a bottle

Travel the world, making no prior arrangements, but just getting by on a day-to-day basis

Meet hundreds of people on my journey around the world

Sleep under the stars

Make massive amounts of money

Invent something useful

Change the world