The Life List of
Louis Magnotta
Go to a Yankees/Red Sox game 7 in Boston | |
Meet Al Pacino | |
Go to space | |
Visit the 7 natural wonders of the world | |
Visit the 7 modern wonders of the world | |
Visit every MLB ballpark | |
Visit every NFL stadium | |
Graduate High School | |
Graduate from an Ivy League School | |
Get my Masters Degree | |
Get a PhD | |
Buy a Dodge Viper | |
Buy an Italian super car (Ferrari or Lamborghini.) | |
Get married by 28 | |
Have at least 2 children (one boy and one girl) | |
Become a grandfather | |
Visit the Eiffel Tower | |
Visit Big Ben | |
See the Great Wall of China | |
Go to Italy and see all the sights | |
Go bungee jumping | |
Go sky diving | |
Own a house | |
Meet Emmitt Smith | |
Meet Tony Dorset | |
Go to the Super Bowl | |
Go to game 7 of a world series. | |
Find a cure for a disease | |
Go to the Olympic opening ceremony | |
Maintain a 3.5 GPA in college | |
Learn to snowboard | |
Go scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia | |
Go on a safari | |
Pet a Bengal Tiger | |
Learn Chinese | |
Learn Japanese | |
Visit the Vatican | |
Visit Easter Island | |
Visit the 7 ancient wonders of the world | |
Visit the Galapagos Islands | |
Buy a Siberian Husky | |
Visit every state | |
Go white water rafting | |
Go to the playboy mansion | |
Become a sharpshooter with a rifle | |
Learn to fly a plane | |