The Life List of
Catie Mustacato
Get married | |
Have children | |
Have grandchildren | |
Graduate from high school | |
Graduate from college | |
Get accepted to Columbia | |
Get a 1250 or higher on my SATs | |
Study abroad in Australia | |
Have a successful career | |
Visit all 50 states | |
Travel to Europe, Australia and Africa | |
Live in New York City for a portion of my life | |
Swim with dolphins | |
Have a job (even if only temporary) working with/studying dolphins | |
See a bottle-nose dolphin in the wild | |
See an orca whale in the wild | |
Cure a disease | |
Get involved and raise as much money as I can for charity | |
Retire and try new things (like travel to many different places and do things I couldn’t do while working) | |
Have a variety of pets (especially a rottweiler) | |
Live for at least 1 year in Europe | |
Own a house | |
Pass my house on to my kids | |
Live to be at least 85 | |
Feel content when I die | |