The Life List of

The Life List of

Brittany Neider

·        Graduate High School with good grades

·        Get accepted to the college of my dreams

·        Get a scholarship to that college

·        Find a major that I am interested in

·        Become a counselor or physical therapist

·        Get married to someone smart, successful, and funny

·        Have two kids (one boy, then one girl)

Places to visit

·        Egypt

·        Italy

·        France

·        Cuba

·        Australia

·        Japan

·        An Indian Reservation

·        All 50 states


·        Run at least a 61 in the 400 meter

·        Run at least a 27 in the 200 meter

·        NEVER run more than a 600 meter race

·        Break a few school records

·        Go to nationals for track

·        Go to states for track

·        Receive a part track scholarship

·        Coach my kid’s baseball/softball teams


·        Become close friends with a celebrity

·        Produce and edit news reports (at least once)

·        Get laser eye surgery so I don’t need contacts/glasses anymore

·        Own an expensive car, a Porsche or Ferrari

·        Spend a summer at a Dude Ranch

·        Learn to play the Piano

·        Learn to play the guitar (attempt number 2!)

·        Live close to 90 yrs old (it runs in my family!)

·        Learn to ride a horse very well

·        Live in the house I grew up in with my own family

·        Have some of my writing published

·        Live in another country for at least a month

·        Change someone’s life forever

·        Never lose contact with my high school friends

·        Always remember that my past is what made me who I am today and who I will be tomorrow.

·        Be grateful for everything