The Life List of
Alessia Pilloni
graduate high school | |
get into college…OUT OF WESTCHESTER COUNTY =) | |
have a relationship longer than 6 months | |
get over my fear of commitment. .(ahh) | |
learn Italian fluently | |
live in Italy for a year or so | |
find a hot Italian guy..(o0oh yea) | |
help find a cure for cancer | |
donate a lot of my money to the needy | |
travel the world | |
travel to all of the states | |
go swimming with dolphins | |
invent a good efficient way to tan without getting skin cancer or looking orange | |
become a sexologist | |
or a marriage counselor… | |
learn how to draw really well | |
get over my fear of heights | |
get over my fear of clowns | |
to be able to watch an entire scary movie wo getting scared..or crying | |
to have a healthy diet | |
run a marathon | |
live on an island | |
get married to a rich , handsome man | |
children…so far no, maybe my mind will change | |
buy a pink diamond ring | |
design my own clothes | |
go hikingcamping | |
say the word I love you and mean it | |
go back to dance class | |
meet all the famous hotties, Chad Michael Murray, Prince Harry, Justin Timberlake, etc | |
meet Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton. they’re hot! | |
learn how to cook and clean | |
learn how to do my laundry | |
learn how to play a sport, and do it well | |
learn how to do a back flip | |
get several body parts pierced | |
get over my fear of needles | |
get a tattoo | |
dissect someone or something | |
adopt a pet or pets.. | |
live in new york city | |
okay i think that’s good enough for now, my brain is starting to hurt..*oww* | |