The Life List of
Brooke Rosenbaum
Academic Goals -to work the best of my abilities for then next two years and doing the best that I can on my SATs and APs -to get into one of my first choice colleges -to have fun in college -to graduate college -to be President of the G.O. next year Career Goals -to have a career that I enjoy -to work for the Food Nework -to be a chef in a top restaurant -to start a charity -to make enough money that I will live a comfortable lifestyle -to be an anchor on NBC’s the Today Show -to star in my own sitcom -to be able to be a homemaker when I have kids -to be The New York Times’ top food critic -to have a career where I can help others Family/Friend/Relationship/Social Goals -to get married before 30 -to have fun and get the most out of being young before I get married -to have a happy, healthy marriage -to give birth to at least one girl and one boy -to keep in touch with my friends from high school -to make a few really close friends in college -to fall in love Miscellaneous Goals -to live in NYC -to live in a nice suburban area -to eat sushi in Japan -to build an igloo in Antarctica -to pet a penguin -to go every continent -to be famous -to go bungee jumping -to backpack through Europe -to go to space -to learn that African click-click language -to go sky diving -to date somebody famous -to be remembered for doing something great -to be happy and fulfilled with my life