The Life List of
Lily Stokoe
1.) Graduate from Harrison High School 2.) Go to a good college 3.) Make the awesome Harrison High School Bowling team 4.) Bowl a perfect game 5.) Win states for volleyball 6.) Get a date to prom 7.) Marry someone over 6’3’’ 8.) Play volleyball for Great Britain at the 2016 Olympics 9.) Get my drivers license 10.)Swim with sharks 11.)Get a 5 on my AP Psych Exam 12.)Take a good school photo 13.)Walk down the red carpet 14.)Spend New Years Eve in Times Square 15.)Pull an all nighter 16.)Start a massive food fight at Harrison High School 17.)Win the Senior Scavenger Hunt 18.)Win the lottery 19.)Learn how to play the guitar and sing 20.)Go to Vegas for my 21st Birthday 21.)Go to the World Cup 22.)Start out my career in New York City then move to California 23.)Watch a movie at a drive in movie theatre 24.)Get my ears pierced 25.)Be in an episode of glee 26.)Go to my best friends from high school’s wedding 27.)Visit every country in the world 28.)Study abroad 29.)Party on a yacht 30.)Be able to look back at life and be happy |