The Life List of

The Life List of

Luisa Villa


q       Hand all my college things before Christmas break

q       Graduate High School (have just my mom and aunt there)

q       Get accepted into college

q       Get a scholarship for school

q       Pass my midterms

q       Get through all the Advanced Placement exams

q       Finish the Yearbook Reminiscence without ending up in an asylum

q       Increase my class participation before I graduate



q       Study Abroad in…

o       Portugal

o       Spain

o       Italy

o       France

o       Germany

o       Brazil

o       Ireland

o       England

o       Greece

q       When I do study abroad learn how to speak the language with the residents there

q       Visit…

o       Australia

o       New Zealand

o       Fuji

o       Egypt

o       Africa

o       Russia

o       Japan

o       Switzerland

o       Jamaica

q       Visit more or less half of the States of the United States preferably…

o       California

o       Texas

o       Michigan

o       Illinois

o       Maine

o       Massachusetts

o       Florida

o       Virginia

o       Maryland

o       Hawaii

o       Oregon

o       Washington

o       Nevada

o       Arizona

o       Louisiana


q       Learn how to read and write fluently in Latin and Greek

q       Learn all the Romance languages

q       Learn the basics of sign language

q       Learn at least eight languages very fluently hopefully…

o       English

o       Spanish

o       Italian

o       Portuguese

o       French

o       Greek

o       German

o       Russian

o       Gaelic


q       Go to my first concert…EVER!

q       Know the City like the back of my hand

q       Successfully create my prom dress as well as all other prom arrangements

q       Find an interesting prom date to accompany me

q       Go to San Francisco during the Spring Break of my Senior Year

q       Make a dent in my must-reads

q       Keep my current job at the Coast

q       Start to work out and get into shape

q       Eat healthier

q       Start playing soccer again

q       Take dance classes

q       Master building a skateboard and gripping it in my sleep

q       Learn how to ride a skateboard

q       Buy and build my first ever skateboard

q       Learn how to snowboard and skateboard satisfactorily

q       Learn to play…

o       Drums

o       Acoustic Guitar

o       Piano

q       Join the Peace Corps

q       As the people at the coast would say thicken my skin

q       Save a sufficient amount of money

q       Meet at least two celebrities

q       Bungee jump…once

q       Take a photography course

q       Make myself scrapbooks of everywhere I’ve been

q       Learn to make wine

q       Go on a safari

q       Learn not to be afraid to say whatever I have to say

q       Learn from the mistakes of others

q       Eventually forgive my father, but never forget

q       Prove to my parents that they were wrong about me

q       Teach my brother a lesson about being a spoiled prick

q       Prove that some Hispanics can be more than gardeners

q       Make my own culture

Later on…

q       Live in a loft in New York City and/or London

q       Have enough money to support myself

q       Work in the United Nations as an interpreter or have some really important job in International Affairs

q       Fall in love

q       Get married

o       Have a small spring/fall wedding

q       Have a big family

o       Live in New York/California

o       Relatively decent size house with a wrap around porch and a big front and back yard

o       Be a good parent

o       Let my children know they are the world to me

o       Have a decent amount of photos of each of their childhood

o       Have grandchildren