The Life List of
Caroline Whiteman
Books (to read): | |
Little Women | |
Don Quixote | |
Hamlet | |
A Midsummer Night’s Dream | |
the entire Odyssey | |
A Tale of Two Cities | |
Oliver Twist | |
Moby Dick | |
Canterbury Tales | |
Frankenstein | |
Huckleberry Finn | |
Death of a Salesmen | |
The Color Purple | |
Great Gatsby | |
Great Expectations | |
Jane Eyre | |
Pride and Prejudice | |
One Flew over the Coo Coo’s nest | |
A raisin in the sun | |
Their Eyes were watching God | |
Death be not Proud | |
Things Fall Apart | |
Uncle Tom’s Cabin | |
Twelfth Night | |
the Tempest | |
Shakespeare’s sonnets | |
Maya Angelou’s autobiography and poems | |
They Cage the Animals at night | |
Gone with the Wind and a lot more …. | |
School/ Education | |
Be a member of the National Honor Society | |
graduate in the top 10-15% of the class | |
Get a 5 on an AP exam | |
Get a 4 or better on 2 AP exams | |
maintain a 90% average throughout all of high school | |
get on the high honor roll through out HS | |
Get a 1300 or better on SAT’s | |
Get into a college of my choice ( Georgetown, Catholic U. of America, Cornell, Rice, U. of Texas, …) | |
Get a doctorate or bachelors | |
Travel to: | |
Italy: go to the leaning tower of Pisa, , the coliseum, shop, … | |
France: visit Versailles, Paris- the Eiffel tower, shop, … | |
Greece | |
Portugal | |
England | |
India | |
All 3 Balearic Islands | |
China | |
Japan | |
Australia | |
Germany | |
Russia | |
Central and South America ie) Brazil, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Colombia, Mexico, Puerto Rico.. | |
Switzerland | |
Egypt | |
Africa- Kenya | |
The Seven Wonders of the World | |
visit every state | |
Go on a cruise | |
Camp out for one night in the woods | |
all 7 continents | |
Personal | |
marry under 30 | |
date men from different countries | |
marry a Catholic Republican ( or a professional Baseball player) | |
have 4-6 kids | |
have more boys than girls | |
Language | |
speak French and Italian fluently | |
speak enough to get around/ small convo- Portuguese, German, Russian, Greek, Polish, Arabic, Latin | |
have a strong English vocabulary | |
Other |
swim with dolphins | |
own a dog | |
spend a day ( or more) with the NY Yankees | |
take painting classes/ paint really well | |
have an editorial published in the NY Times | |
help make abortion illegal | |
teach religious education | |
sleep on the beach | |
save someone’s life | |
do volunteer work in Africa, Romania, or Ecuador | |
work in an orphanage | |
learn how to play the piano and violin | |
work on a Giuliani’s 2008 Presidential Campaign ( or whatever conservative/ republican is running) | |
go on a cruise | |
live in Washington DC, NYC, California, Georgia and Texas | |
buy a home | |
donate a lot of money to a charity | |
learn to ride a horse | |
own a hotel | |
buy my mother a cabin in the mountains | |
have my dream wedding | |
buy my own house in Palma de Mallorca, Spain | |
go to Cooperstown | |
see a baseball game in every stadium | |
join the Mayflower Society | |
go fishing and scuba diving | |
help set up schools in poorer countries | |