2003 AP Psychology Free-Response

2003 AP Psychology Free-Response Questions

Directions: You have 50 minutes to answer BOTH of the following questions.  It is not enough to answer the question by merely listing facts.  You should present a cogent argument based on your critical analysis of the questions posed, using appropriate psychological terminology.

  1. A.   Statistics are often used to describe and interpret the results of intelligence testing.

·        Describe three measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode).

·        Describe a skewed distribution.

·        Relate the three measures of central tendency to a normal distribution.

·        Relate the three measures of central tendency to a positively skewed distribution.

·        An intelligence test for which the scores are normally distributed has a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15.  Use this information to describe how the scores are distributed.

·        In two normal distributions, the means are 100 for group I and 115 for group II.  Can an individual in group I have a higher score than the mean score for group II?  Explain.

B.      Apply knowledge of psychological research in answering the following questions about intelligence scores.

·        Explain why norms for standardized intelligence tests are periodically updated.

·        Describe how to determine whether an intelligence test is biased.

  1. A.   Define the following psychological concepts.
    • Cognitive dissonance
    • Conformity
    • Incentive motivation
    • Negative reinforcement
    • Physiological addiction

B.   Use one specific example for each of the concepts in part A to explain how the concept might relate to either the         development of or the continuation of a smoking habit.  It is not necessary to use the same example for each concept.