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Free Association Project

"The goal of free association is not to unearth specific answers or memories, but to instigate a journey of co-discovery which can enhance the patient’s integration of thought, feeling, agency, and selfhood."

In the spirit of delving into our unconscious we are going on a quasi journey of self discovery. You will find a quiet place in your house, lay down and record yourself talking for 20 minutes.  You will just say what pops into your mind and make an attempt NOT to filter yourself.  NO ONE BUT YOU WILL HEAR THE RECORDING.  After 20 minutes, you will play back the recording and listen to yourself.  Spend some time analyzing what you said and why you said it. 

You will write a 1-2 page paper telling me:

  • how you felt about the experience

  • were you surprised at what you heard

  • what you learned from the experience (you do not have to provide specific details of the session)

  • how free association could be helpful for your mental health