


  1. Describe the nature of intelligence.

  2. Discuss whether intelligence should be considered a general mental health ability or many specific abilities.

  3. Describe efforts to correlate intelligence with brain anatomy, brain functioning and cognitive processing speed.

  4. Trace the origins of intelligence testing, and describe Stern’s formula for the intelligence quotient.

  5. Describe modern tests of mental abilities such as WEIS, and distinguish between aptitude and achievement tests.

  6. Describe test standardization and explain the importance of appropriate standardization samples for effectively interpreting intelligence test scores.

  7. Distinguish between the reliability and validity of intelligence test scores.

  8. Discuss the stability of intelligence test scores, and describe the two extremes of the normal distribution of intelligence.

  9. Identify the factors associated with creativity, and describe the relationship between creativity and intelligence.

  10. Discuss evidence for both genetic and environmental influence on intelligence.

  11. Describe group differences in intelligence scores and how they can e explained.

  12. Discuss whether intelligence tests are culturally biased.

Vocabulary: intelligence, intelligence test, factor analysis, general intelligence (g factor), savant syndrome, Stanford Binet, intelligence quotient (IQ), WAIS, aptitude tests, achievement tests, standardization, normal curve, reliability, validity, content validity, predictive validity, mental retardation, Down Syndrome,