The Life List of

The Life List of

Sarah Taub


Near Future:      Get a 90 GPA.      Fall in love.      Go to Hubbas.      Go to White Castle.      Meet Green Day, especially Billie Joe Armstrong.      Get into Hofstra or another college of my liking.      Major in Psychology and Writing.      Get a 5 on the AP Psychology Exam. J      Have an awesome Sweet Sixteen party.      Learn to take amazing photos.      Bowl a 120 on the bowling team.      Be able to exercise daily.      Go to two proms in High School, with the same boy.      And anything else I forgot. After College:      Go Skydiving.      Go to Graduate School.      Get a major degree.      Have my own psychology firm.      Travel throughout the world with someone special. (Europe, and exotic places).      Be proposed to in the most romantic way possible.      Get engaged.      Get married.      Have two kids, three at the most. (Two boys, and one girl).      Be rich.      Be successful.      Get a huge house with everything I want.      Still be in love with the boy of my dreams.