The Life List of

The Life List of

Adriana DiFazio



Graduate high school with grades I’m proud of.

Get accepted to college.

Study abroad.

Graduate college.

Take a year off after/before college to travel the world.

Go to law school.

Fall in love more than once.

Get married.

Have at least three kids.

Adopt a child.

Be a good mom, sister and daughter.

Be able to give my children the same opportunities I have had and more.

Live in a foreign country for over a year.

Learn to speak a different language fluently.

Read as many books as possible.

Have a library in my house.

Become a master of something.

Decorate my apartment when I’m older so that it looks as if a princess lives in it.

Own a purple car.

Sing jazz professionally.

Run a marathon.

Learn how to swim, well.

Open a bakery specifically for cupcakes.

Be the grandma that sings to her grandchildren and cooks constantly.

Adopt at least two dogs and a cat.

Be a lawyer for an environmental/animal rights organization.

Own a house walking distance from the water.

Learn how to salsa dance.

See a ballet at the Met.

Learn how to paint.

Learn how to really play the piano.

Go skydiving.

Go cliff jumping.

Go hiking and discover a spring.

Get certified for scuba diving.

Explore The Great Barrier Reef in Australia.

Live on a boat for a summer in the Caribbean and spend endless hours swimming and just being a bum soaking up the sun.

Have an aquarium in my house.

Work with dolphins.

Visit a rain forest.

Visit as many museums as possible.

Become really good at kayaking.

Go on a road trip.

Remember all the people I’ve ever met.

Be the person that people go to for help.

Change someone’s life for the better.

Have no regrets.

Live a long, happy and healthy life.