Biological Therapies
Wow, we went over a lot in the biological school. We learned about the structure on a neuron, about different types of neurotransmitters, we broke down the nervous system, and then we broke down all of out senses and started to explore how we perceive the world through our senses. But now lets get the the practical part of the biological school. If you have some sort of psychological disorder (you should know them from the abnormal psychology unit), how would this school attempt to deal with the disorder. In other words, what is the biological schools form of therapy?
Ok, we know that the crux of the biological school is that behaviors (including disorders) have a organic cause. Whether it is an imbalance of neurotransmitters, hormones or damaged brain structure, the reasons must come from the body. The most common way the biological school handles these issues is through psychopharmacology, also know as chemotherapy, or as we call it, drug therapy.
Some psychological disorders are always treated with drugs, like schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is generally treated with antipsychotic drugs such as Thorazine or Haldol. These drugs generally block the receptor sites for the neurotransmitter dopamine (dopamine reuptake inhibitors). You should know why if you remember the link that dopamine and schizophrenia have from previous chapters. The problem with these drugs is that they often have Parkinson like muscle tremor side effects called tardive dyskinesia.
Mood disorders are also often treated with drugs. The most common types of drugs that are used to treat depression (unipolar) are tricyclic antidepressants (Adapin or Elavil), monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors (Nardil or Marplan) and serotonin reuptake inhibitors drugs (Prozac). All these drugs tend to increase the activity of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Lithium, a metal, is most often used to treat bipolar disorder.
Anxiety disorders (phobias, GAD or panic attacks) are most often treated with anti-anxiety drugs with depress the nervous system. Barbituates such as Valium or Xanax are most common.
Alternative Biological Therapies
Believe it or not, drugs are NOT the only way the biological school handles disorders. One example is electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) where an electrical current is passed through the brain of a patient. Most often the current is passed through only one hemisphere, because although two hemispheres is more effective, there can be some negative side effects, such as loss of memory. Although ECT has been used to deal with all types of disorders, it is most commonly used today for severe depression. We still have no idea why it works (imagine the first doctor to think up “hey maybe shocking the crap out of the guy will make him better”), but we think it has to do with blood flow to the brain.
It is rare, but sometimes doctors may use psychosurgery. This is where a portion of the brain is lesioned or destroyed to alter a person’s behavior. This type of surgery is only used as a last resort. One of the first and most widespread types of psychosurgery was the prefrontal lobotomy, where the neural connection to the frontal lobe are cut from the rest of the brain. This procedure calmed patients down immensely, but left many in a semi-vegetative state.
Changing ones diet may be the best way to alter ones psychological state- so eat less sugar and grease and you will be happier (honestly, I just came back from City Island where I had about two pounds of fried shrimp and 4 virgin pina coladas- I am a bad example).