The Common Mental Disorders You Need To Be Aware Of

Most Common Mental Disorders

Mental disorders can be extremely tormenting if the right treatment is not attained. In this post, let’s talk about common mental disorders that you need to know and the importance of awareness for these conditions.

It is important to get proper tests done and check blue dreams test lab certificate prior to processing with treatment options. This approach works particularly well with mental problems.

Psychotherapy Vs Psychiatric Treatment

People suffering from mental problems usually find themselves at the crossroads of selecting between psychotherapy and psychiatric treatment. To start with, let us get an understanding of the differences between the two.

Psychotherapy does not involve the use of medication in most cases. Medical experts belonging to this niche opt for counselling sessions. On an average scale, each of these sessions last for 2 to 3 hours. The purpose is studying the thinking patterns and drilling to the root cause.

As compared to Psychiatric treatment, Psychotherapy has a slower response and comes with no adverse effects.

Psychiatric treatment involves the prescription of medical drugs. For instance, medical drugs prescribed to ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) patients usually have Sertraline. It is used to restore the chemical balance of the human mind.  This is the main cause of most people who suffer from OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ), Chronic Depression and other similar issues.

Most Common Mental Disorders and Their Potential Causes

Every mental problem has a potent issue or cause. Mental disorders simply get out of hand when common signs are ignored. Let us have a quick glance at the common mental disorders and how they can be avoided.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

In literal terms, obsessive compulsive disorder refers to rechecking things multiple times. In advanced stages, this can seriously hamper day to day activities and overall work schedule. 

Consider an example to attain more understanding

An individual who suffers from OCD may wash his hands several times in a span of ten minutes. The reason is lack of confidence and fear due to which he thinks that his hands are still dirty. This lack of confidence gradually starts impacting multiple activities. An individual may check his shoelaces after every ten minutes.

Common Mental Disorders - OCD

Common Signs Ignored

Problems worsen when certain common signs are ignored. For instance, overplanning is a major sign that a person can be impacted by OCD. Some people simply plan and replan several times just to satisfy their level of achievement. Planning is good but implementation matters more. It is what you have achieved that makes a difference rather than the list of bullet points.

For OCD patients, both counselling and medical drug options exist. There is no doubt that medical drugs have their own adverse effects. People are allergic to certain chemical compounds due to which they cannot consume psychiatric drugs. Someone who suffers from low BP cannot opt for sedatives commonly used to treat OCD as it can lead to unconsciousness.

Counselling sessions work well if the issue is not severe.  It gives an individual the time to reprogram his mind. Talking to the counsellor means revealing every minor detail. Depending on the severity and existing medical conditions, OCD patients should decide between Psychotherapy and Psychiatry.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Most mental problems are linked to low self-esteem and confidence. People suffering from Social Anxiety Disorder find it extremely hard to move between people. They find it almost impossible to speak to a crowd.

Initially the signs are quite mild but severity increases with the course of time. Someone who suffers from anxiety starts staying alone. The gathering which he or she used to enjoy seeming like torture. Gradually, the person is confined to his or her home. Apparently, this seems the best option to the patient but it does not solve the problem by any means.

Fear is a Common Sign

People suffering from social anxiety start imagining things. They get scared of issues that do not even exist. For instance, if someone has parked a car under an anxiety patient’s house, he or she will imagine that the car owner plans to cause harm.

In the earlier stages, the feeling of fear is quite low, but things worsen with time. Public fear is a strong symptom as well. In the worst situations, anxiety patients even get scared of family members.

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder )

As compared to the other mental disorders, ADHD impacts the human mind in a different manner. It is related to the ability to concentrate. An ADHD patient cannot focus on one task even for 5 minutes. He keeps switching priorities and in the end, fails to accomplish anything.

Lack of Patience from Those ADHD

Lack of patience is something common in most ADHD patients. They find it extremely hard to wait in the line for turns or sit patiently at a restaurant for their order to be served. 

ADHD patients unintentionally interrupt conversations since they find it hard to focus on what the other person is saying. For them, conveying their perspective is the most important thing even if it involves speaking out of turn. Corporate professionals who suffer from ADHD are advised urgent medical treatment since they are unable to focus during meeting sessions.

Common Mental Disorders - ADHD


Mental disorders are very common these days particularly with life getting more challenging. Treatment is an option but by attending to warning signs, potential risks can be reduced.

If you have a constant feeling of sadness or self-doubt, do not keep it to yourself.  Talking to people helps since you get a second opinion. Do not think that having mental issues are a sign of abnormality.

Consulting a medical expert should always be an open option. Psychologists and Psychiatrists initiate proceedings with gauging the case history. Mental problems have root causes including divorced parents, molestation cases and deadly accidents. A medical expert indulges in one-on-one communication with the patient and advises relevant remedies.

Lastly, having mental issues does not mean that you have lost your mental sanity. These problems are very much more treatable if the right medical expert is consulted. Self-medication for mental problems should be avoided as it leads to health hazards.