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LeDoux (1999)


Investigate the role of the amygdala in emotion.


·         Rats were conditioned to feel fear when they hear the sound of a bell.

·         Assumption that the brain has made a connection between the bell and fear.

·         LeDoux lesioned the rats to find out which part of the brain made the connection between the bell and fear.


·         After several lesions, they removed the Auditory Thalamus.

·         The rats did not show respond to the bell with fear anymore.

·         In further studies, they found out that lesions on one site of the amygdala was able to stop blood pressure from rising.

·         This shows that there are biological interactions with emotions.


      • Unethical study
      • Induced feat in subjects, caused mental harm.
      • Performed lesioning on subjects, cause physical harm.
      • Subjects did not have rights to withdraw.