Olweus (1993)
Longitudinal study on the effect of OBPP on bullying
- The study was conducted in the Bergen area in Norway after three adolescents had committed suicide as a result of bullying. A sample of 2,500 children from fifth to eighth grades participated in the program over two years. Data collection took place through observations and questionnaires (teachers, students).
- Results showed an overall 50% reduction in self-reported bullying incidents (victimization or bullying other students) and a general improvement of the social climate of the classes.
- Students’ self-reports showed higher satisfaction with school life, improved order and discipline, more positive social relationships, and a more positive attitude toward schoolwork and the school in general.
This indicates a high level of effectiveness of the program but not all studies find the same. Roland (1993) could not replicate the findings in another part of Norway. Olweus (2003) only found a 21–38 % reduction in observed bullying in a later study and the same was observed in the USA.