Empowering Autism Parents: Insights, Support, and Community

Even when parents of an autistic child notice some symptoms that may suggest that their kid has autism, no one is ever one hundred percent prepared for this diagnosis. Although there are different types of it, it’s still a health condition that requires special attention and dedication.

In the beginning, a vast majority of parents are continuously bombarded with so much information concerning this condition that, sometimes, all of this can be pretty overwhelming for them.

What needs to be remembered is that these people need your support right now, at least until they learn how to cope with it. If you would like to know what you can do to provide them with it, then just take a look at these suggestions below.

Autism Parents

Useful Sources Of Information Are Always A Good Idea

As previously stated, most parents will almost immediately be flooded with a bunch of information as far as this condition is concerned. Although there’s nothing wrong with it, in these instances, you need to opt for the ones that are generally beneficial and informative.

Fortunately, nowadays, people can use numerous ones that can be of huge help. The options are practically endless, starting from various forums, blogs, books, and magazines. When it comes to magazines, we’ve heard that their autism magazine is currently very popular among parents because it’s packed with info on the latest therapies, stories that they can relate to, and many others. What about books and blogs?

The choices are limitless when it comes to this too. For example, the books that were found to be the most informative and useful are, In a Different Key by John Donvan, The Autism Mom’s Survival Guide (for Dads, Too!), Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew, and many others.

When it comes to blogs, you can check out the Autism Dad, Autism Adventures, and the Mom Kind. Now, don’t forget that these are all just some suggestions. The point is to select something that’s going to ensure these parents that they are not alone and that there are a number of tools they can implement to cope with it the right way.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Questions

One of the biggest mistakes that people make in these types of situations, is the fact that they’re afraid to bring this topic up when talking to the parents. Now, this doesn’t mean that you should burden them with a bunch of unnecessary questions, however, if you ask the ones that will showcase that you genuinely care about them (as well as their child, of course), then they’ll be very grateful to you.

Keep in mind that it’s always nice when someone notices that you’re making an effort to stay as invested as you can. So what are you supposed to ask first? There’s no rule of thumb as far as this is concerned, but for starters, you can ask them what challenges are they currently experiencing and if there’s anything you can do to help them. 

The more information you receive, the better. By doing so, you’ll be properly prepared and, if necessary, make some small adjustments in order for both the parents and their children to be a lot more comfortable when they are in your company.

Now, although we previously discussed different ways parents can educate themselves, bear in mind that it wouldn’t hurt if you sought education too because the more you know about this condition, the better you’ll be able to understand certain situations.

Listen, Listen, Listen

One of the best “tools” that you can utilize when talking to parents who have an autistic kid is to just listen to them. As simple as that. At times, you do not even need to offer them any particular solutions or suggestions, but simply be there.

Be sure to create a safe space where they will feel comfortable enough to talk about their feelings, struggles, and experiences without any judgment. Why is this so essential? Well, that’s because, unfortunately, autism is still being stigmatized among some people.

And the worst thing that you can do is to make these parents feel ashamed because they are going through something like this. That’s particularly important with the ones who have recently received this news. 

They are currently going through different phases, mood swings, and many other situations that can oftentimes be very burdening and overwhelming. That’s why you need to approach them with an open mind, and above all, empathy so they can perceive you as a safe haven they can reach out to whenever they feel the need to.

In other words, you need to acknowledge every single emotion they have, and above everything, let them know that you’ll be there for them at any given moment.

Autism and Parents

Be Inclusive 

If by any chance, you have a child that knows an autistic kid, then if you decide to organize a birthday party, for instance, the autistic child is also invited. It’s essential for these children to feel included, and not rejected in any way.

So for starters, send a text message or an email (a phone call may be a good idea too) to let the parents know that you’re looking forward to seeing their kiddo at the party. Trust us when we say, these parents are going to appreciate this a lot because they frequently feel very isolated.

Be Patient & Understanding

Families who have recently received this type of diagnosis are probably in a state of shock and disbelief right now, which is completely understandable. What you can do right now is to show them that you honestly understand what they are going through and that you’ll be there for them whenever it’s necessary.

Even if they make a certain decision about their child that you do not agree with, do not say anything but just be supportive.

Every parent is different, meaning that you cannot apply one rule to all of them, however, what you can do is implement some of the suggestions that were given to you today to ensure that they have a great supporting system by their side.