Mental illness is something that plagues a large percentage of the population. If you suffer from it, did you know that brain imaging can provide key insights into the mechanics behind your mental illness? Most people’s knowledge of brain imaging does not go very far, which is why they usually turn to professionals for support.
This post will not only offer guidance into the key insights brain imaging can provide, but it will also help you to overcome your mental illness and learn strategies designed to help you move forwards with your life.
Identify Abnormalities
Scans make it possible to identify abnormalities, which can help mental health professionals and doctors diagnose any illnesses you might have (and pinpoint their causes). If you are interested in a brain scan, finding CT imaging near me is not difficult. If your family physician believes you could benefit from a brain scan, they can refer you. Alternatively, you can refer yourself to certain clinics.
Scans can identify gray and white matter-related conditions, like schizophrenia. As well as diagnosing schizophrenia, certain tests can help diagnose autism or ADHD.
Inflammation and oxidative stress markers can also be tested for, which can give doctors a good idea of what is going on with your brain, and how healthy it is, and help them to diagnose mental health or neurological conditions you might be suffering from.
Brain Activity Patterns
Imaging scans can give doctors and mental health professionals a better idea of your brain’s condition and activity patterns. Did you know that, for example, reduced prefrontal cortex activity can indicate depression impulsivity, or both?
If you suspect you are suffering from a mental health condition, one of the best things you can do is to get referred for a scan, so you can get a better idea of what your brain is doing, and if there are any activity patterns that could be contributing negatively to your health.
Brain scans can also be used to detect altered reward system responses, which are typical of addiction. They can also be used to tell the difference between healthy and unhealthy brain wave patterns. If you plan on asking for a scan, it is worth first finding out if your insurance provider covers it, so you don’t end up getting turned away.
Assess the Impact of Sleep
The quality of your sleep can have a massive impact on your mental and neurological health. Unfortunately, a lot of people today do not get anywhere near as much sleep as their bodies need, and the sleep they do get is not restorative. This is because they use their mobile phones in the hours leading up to the bed, which exposes them to blue light.
Bluelight exposure can cause overstimulation, which can make it difficult to fall asleep. People who use their phones before bed sometimes can sleep, but their brains aren’t able to properly relax, and as a consequence, they do not get restorative sleep.
Imaging scans can be an effective way for mental health professionals and doctors to get a good idea of how much sleep you get, and whether you are getting the right amount of sleep.
Depending on the nature of your mental illness, your doctor might ask you to wear a special headset so they can monitor your brain function while you sleep, although tests of this kind can be very expensive and are not a suitable option for everybody. Speak to your physician and find out what your options are.
Evaluate Lifestyle Factors
The ability to evaluate the lifestyles of patients is another benefit of brain imaging scans, and the results derived from such tests give specialists a clear look into the lives of patients. As stated above, the brains of addicts perform differently from those of non-addicts. Studies also show that people who meditate and practice mindfulness tend to have healthier brains than people who do not.
With that in mind, if you want to make positive changes in your life, why not adopt mindfulness meditation? Religion does not have to presuppose meditation–it is perfectly possible to practice mindfulness meditation as a Christian, Muslim, or atheist. Many people are hesitant to because they fear that by adopting meditation, they are disregarding the tenets of their monotheistic faiths, but this is not true.
As well as adopting meditation, there are a number of other things you can do to improve your mental health too, from eating a healthier diet to getting more exercise. Many people’s lifestyles are not conducive to positive mental health in the modern world, so if you notice that your mental health is in a bad way, why not start making positive lifestyle changes? Lifestyle changes might seem stressful, but once you get the hang of them, they will come as second nature to you.
How to Improve Your Mental Health
There are a number of different ways that you can improve your mental health, from eating better to exercising more, but the best of them is to get in touch with a mental health professional. Not only will a mental health professional be able to refer you for scans if they think that you need them, but they will also be able to offer therapy, counseling, and other services designed to help you work through your issues. A mental health specialist can even prescribe pharmaceutical drugs to help you cope with your issues.
If you are going to work with a mental health professional, it is important that you shop around and find the most qualified and experienced one you can. A mental health professional’s reviews should help you to get a good idea of what they are like to work with, and how reliable their service is.
Make sure that your chosen professional also has affordable rates or accepts health insurance, because some mental health professionals can be very expensive to work with.
If you are interested in finding out how your brain works and if you suffer from some form of mental illness? Why not ask your therapist, counselor, or family physician for a brain scan? A brain scan will give doctors a better idea of what is going on inside your head and even make it possible for them to diagnose mental health or neurological conditions.