Is a Career in Psychology Right for You in 2024?

Not everyone knows what they want to do for a living once they graduate from secondary schooling. After all, it can take time to find your passion. However, psychology is a wide-ranging sector that interests many people. A career in psychology might also be worth considering if you can relate to these traits below: You … Continue reading “Is a Career in Psychology Right for You in 2024?”

Water-Related Trauma: Psychological Recovery after a Drowning Incident

Experiencing a drowning incident can be an incredibly traumatic experience, both physically and psychologically. While it is possible to make a full physical recovery from such an event, the psychological effects of water-related trauma can linger for months or even years afterward.  From post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to anxiety and depression, understanding how to cope … Continue reading “Water-Related Trauma: Psychological Recovery after a Drowning Incident”

Advantages of Pursuing a career in Cyberpsychology

If you are interested in pursuing a career in Cyberpsychology, there are many advantages to getting a job in this growing field. Some of the most notable are the ever-increasing multidisciplinary nature of the profession, the research and therapy opportunities available, and the trends and directions the area is heading. Research and therapy opportunities Cyberpsychology … Continue reading “Advantages of Pursuing a career in Cyberpsychology”

AP Psychology Study Resource: Perceptual Constancy Definition

Not everything is at it seems. The world around us appears to be what it is. Your car looks the same today as it did yesterday. That tree outside in your front yard hasn’t changed much over the last few hours. So how do our body and our mind process the existence of things, based … Continue reading “AP Psychology Study Resource: Perceptual Constancy Definition”

AP Psychology Study Resource: Functionalism Psychology

To be able to understand functionalism in psychology its necessary to first look at structuralism. Both schools of thought developed in the early stages of psychology when it first became a recognized science on its own and not just part of biology and philosophy. Quick Navigation Wilhelm Wundt and Structuralism William James and Functionalism The … Continue reading “AP Psychology Study Resource: Functionalism Psychology”

AP Psychology Study Resource: Information Processing Theory

How complex are our minds? There has been a lot of research in the last two hundred years to try and find out more about how the human mind works. Because there are so many different, complex components, it can be hard to come to definitive conclusions. Multiple researchers over the decades have proposed various … Continue reading “AP Psychology Study Resource: Information Processing Theory”

AP Psychology Study Resource: Social Identity Theory

We are all social by nature. However, our social identity isn’t always such smooth sailing. Let’s take a look at social identity theory, a psychological study into the way we as humans behave in social settings and groups. The rise of social media has led us to share everything and be hyper-social. We find our identity … Continue reading “AP Psychology Study Resource: Social Identity Theory”

Humanistic School

Ok- it was the late 1950’s and “make love, not war” era was peaking it’s head around the corner when the humanistic school popped up.  People were sick of the impersonality of the behavior school and the negativity of the psychoanalytic school.  People wanted to focus, not on the sick, but on the healthy.  They … Continue reading “Humanistic School”

Achievement Motivation

So far we talked about motivations behind simple human behaviors like eating and sex.  What motivates us the more complicated behaviors, like studying for the AP Psychology test?  What motivates us to work hard in school, video games, sports and all those day to day things that take up our day.  We call this types … Continue reading “Achievement Motivation”